Monthly Archives: November 2019

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing? — by Dave Roberts


by  Dave Roberts Chief Innovation Officer of the State of Indiana Vice President of NAATBatt International                Dave Roberts As innovative advancements commercialize disruptive technologies that will forever change the way move, communicate, and buy our free-range turkeys from a farm within ten miles, a natural question is where the enabling technology was made and how secure is it.  Without disrespect to other technologies currently available or being developed, lithium-ion is the best answer we have today for many of these critical applications.  And it is natural and good for the nation [...]

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing? — by Dave Roberts2019-11-28T09:34:27-05:00

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing?


by Jaime Navarrete Director Product Development Crown Battery              Jaime Navarrete The question is misleading as the United States never had leadership in Lion battery manufacturing.  Around 2008 the federal government used public money into subsidizing buildup of local manufacturing of large format Lion batteries.  But, a market for the capacity that was built never appeared.   Building plants with limited commercial market should not be considered having leadership in Lion battery manufacturing. So, let us address the real source of the problem – lack of broad demand for electrified vehicles.  Of the three [...]

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing?2019-11-08T19:31:30-05:00
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