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So far Jim Greenberger has created 53 blog entries.

The Next Stimulus Package Should Focus on Lithium Battery Infrastructure


During a recent telephone meeting of the NAATBatt Strategic Planning Committee, one committee member noted that the next stage of the COVID-19 stimulus package was likely to include investments in national transportation infrastructure.  The committee member suggested that NAATBatt advocate for allocating part of those new investment to building up the lithium battery supply chain in the United States. I have argued in this column on many occasions that lithium-based battery technology is one of the most important technologies of the 21st Century.  Countries that control that technology will have the inside track on leadership in the development and manufacture [...]

The Next Stimulus Package Should Focus on Lithium Battery Infrastructure2020-04-03T21:32:17-04:00

Are Lithium-Ion Batteries a Strategic Technology?


One of the most interesting sessions during the NAATBatt 2020 annual meeting was the Industry Leaders Roundtable: How To Make the U.S. a Leader in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing.  The session featured a discussion among government and industry leaders in energy storage about what the United States might do better to support the domestic manufacturing of lithium-ion battery cells. The panelists generally agreed on a number of points:  that building a supply chain is important but building demand for the batteries may be more important;  that the U.S. does not have the same tools to work with that China does; and [...]

Are Lithium-Ion Batteries a Strategic Technology?2020-02-24T03:01:00-05:00

NAATBatt 2020 is a Great Success


NAATBatt 2020, the 11th annual meeting and conference of the NAATBatt International organization, concluded on Thursday of this week.  To say that NAATBatt 2020 was NAATBatt’s biggest and best program yet would not be hyperbole:  it is an undeniable fact. NAATBatt 2020 had almost 300 attendees, nearly 20 exhibitors and over 80 e-minute “flash” presentations by NAATBatt member firms, jury-selected emerging companies and winners of the Department of Energy’s Phase I Battery Recycling Prize competition. As I warned from the podium in kicking off the meeting, listening to the presentations was a bit like drinking from a fire hose.  Everything important [...]

NAATBatt 2020 is a Great Success2020-02-15T00:14:37-05:00

Member Update Presentations to Headline NAATBatt 2020


NAATBatt 2020 will be held on February 10-13, 2020, in Pasadena, California.  It will be the 11th annual meeting of the NAATBatt International organization, which dates from 2008.  For all of those years I have struggled with the question of why NAATBatt should have an annual meeting at all? Trade shows are a big business.  You can go to a battery, electric drive or energy storage-focused trade show somewhere in the world just about every week if you want to.  Sophisticated media companies run most of those shows.  They run them well and make a lot of money by doing [...]

Member Update Presentations to Headline NAATBatt 20202020-02-01T04:36:57-05:00

The Fourth Decade of the Advanced Battery Era


Every New Year invites predictions about what the next year holds. One in every ten New Years invites predictions about the next decade. 2020 is one of those New Years. The 2020’s will mark the fourth decade of the advanced battery era, taking as its start the introduction of the first lithium-ion battery into commerce in 1991. The third decade ended on a high note, with the Nobel Committee finally recognizing the important role of Stan Whittingham, John Goodenough and Akira Yoshino in launching the era. The delayed recognition was fitting. It took the world a good three decades to [...]

The Fourth Decade of the Advanced Battery Era2020-01-04T05:26:08-05:00

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing? — by Dr. George Crabtree


by Dr. George Crabtree Director, Joint Center for Energy Storage Research Argonne National Laboratory             Dr. George Crabtree Here is an optimistic perspective: the U.S. or Europe can regain a competitive and perhaps a leading position in lithium-ion battery manufacturing with no significant change in battery chemistry. Two facts support this optimism. First, 15 years ago China had little or no footprint in lithium-ion battery manufacturing.  At that time, Japan and South Korea dominated the field.  In the last 15 years, China rose from effectively zero to the leading position in lithium-ion battery manufacturing.  [...]

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing? — by Dr. George Crabtree2019-12-06T15:18:36-05:00

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing? — by Dave Roberts


by  Dave Roberts Chief Innovation Officer of the State of Indiana Vice President of NAATBatt International                Dave Roberts As innovative advancements commercialize disruptive technologies that will forever change the way move, communicate, and buy our free-range turkeys from a farm within ten miles, a natural question is where the enabling technology was made and how secure is it.  Without disrespect to other technologies currently available or being developed, lithium-ion is the best answer we have today for many of these critical applications.  And it is natural and good for the nation [...]

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing? — by Dave Roberts2019-11-28T09:34:27-05:00

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing?


by Jaime Navarrete Director Product Development Crown Battery              Jaime Navarrete The question is misleading as the United States never had leadership in Lion battery manufacturing.  Around 2008 the federal government used public money into subsidizing buildup of local manufacturing of large format Lion batteries.  But, a market for the capacity that was built never appeared.   Building plants with limited commercial market should not be considered having leadership in Lion battery manufacturing. So, let us address the real source of the problem – lack of broad demand for electrified vehicles.  Of the three [...]

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing?2019-11-08T19:31:30-05:00

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing?


Lithium-ion battery technology is one of the most important technologies of the 21st Century.  As vehicle fleets around the world electrify, lithium-ion batteries will become the new oil.  The companies and countries that dominate the development and manufacture of lithium-ion batteries are set to dominate the global vehicle industries of the next 50-100 years. The importance of lithium-ion technology, however, goes well beyond cars.  Most of the technologies that will make the 21st Century different than the 20th Century will depend on electric power supplied free of a fixed electricity grid.  Consumer electronics, implantable medical devices, wearable technology, the Internet of [...]

What Should the United States Do to Regain Leadership in Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing?2019-10-25T20:53:02-04:00

Congratulations to the 2019 Nobel Prize Laureates!


The officers and members of NAATBatt International offer their heartiest congratulations to the three winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Prof. John B. Goodenough, Prof. Akira Yoshino, and the Chief Science Officer of NAATBatt International, Prof. M. Stanley Whittingham.  The 2019 prize recognizes Profs. Goodenough, Yoshino and Whittingham for their discovery and development of lithium-ion battery technology. This recognition is long overdue. The battery technology these gentlemen invented powers many of the devices that shape the modern world, from laptop computers to mobile phones, medical devices, industrial equipment and, increasingly, to vehicles and the electricity grid itself.  The world is [...]

Congratulations to the 2019 Nobel Prize Laureates!2019-10-12T16:13:42-04:00
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