advanced batteries

Tariffs Need to be “Sticky” to Work


Regardless of the wisdom of the Trump tariffs, the Administration’s actions seem motivated by a genuine desire to return manufacturing to the United States.  This is a laudable goal and one that NAATBatt fully supports. But in trying to return manufacturing to the United States through tariffs, the Administration may be confusing a symptom with the disease.  The disease is not a lack of manufacturing in the United States.  The disease is that the United States is underinvesting in manufacturing infrastructure.  That underinvestment has led to the symptom of a declining manufacturing sector in general and to the lack of advanced [...]

Tariffs Need to be “Sticky” to Work2025-03-14T00:13:33-04:00

Take-Aways from NAATBatt 2025


NAATBatt 2025, the 17th annual meeting and conference of NAATBatt International, ended on Thursday, February 20, in Orlando, Florida.  Initial reviews by attendees have been overwhelmingly positive.  NAATBatt continues its mission of fostering a culture of inclusion and congeniality in the North American battery industry.  The objective of that culture is to give NAATBatt members more and better opportunities to grow their respective businesses and build new commercial relationships in North America.  NAATBatt 2025 attendees appear to agree that NAATBatt is achieving that objective. The positive reactions to the meeting contrasted with uncertainty about the state of the industry as a [...]

Take-Aways from NAATBatt 20252025-02-21T22:11:31-05:00

The Advanced Battery Industry on the Day After


The 2024 general election is mercifully over.  Many in the advanced battery, renewable energy and electric vehicle industries are apprehensive about the result to say the least.  While some apprehension is warranted, it is important to keep a few of things in mind. First is that advanced batteries and electric vehicles are not the product of government policy.  They are the product of fundamental changes in energy and automotive technologies that will continue regardless of political leadership.  Government policy cannot affect the existence of this change (though it can affect its pace).  Politics will not prevent the adoption of a superior [...]

The Advanced Battery Industry on the Day After2024-11-07T16:43:33-05:00

What to Expect at NAATBatt in 2021


NAATBatt International is looking forward to a busy and exciting 2021.  This year should see continued interest by the capital markets in advanced battery technology.  It should see renewed government interest in promoting the manufacture of advanced batteries in the United States.  And it should see continued growth of the electric transportation and stationary energy storage markets, which promise to be the largest consumers of advanced battery technology for the balance of the decade. Three things loom large at NAATBatt in 2021.  First is a study of the North American supply chain for lithium-ion battery technology.  Three NAATBatt committees--the North American [...]

What to Expect at NAATBatt in 20212021-01-08T15:51:11-05:00

Battery Day and the North American Lithium-ion Supply Chain


Tesla’s Battery Day on September 22 did not disappoint.  Whether you came away encouraged (as did many EV enthusiasts) or disappointed (as did the stock market), Elon and the gang provided ample content for the advanced battery community to dissect and debate for the next six months. For me, the most noteworthy content was not the technical detail of where Tesla is going with its battery technology.  The move to tabless 4860 cells, more silicon, less cobalt, away from solid state technology (apparently), and the road map to a 56% reduction in battery costs were all very interesting topics, if not [...]

Battery Day and the North American Lithium-ion Supply Chain2020-09-25T16:36:57-04:00

Time for a Grand Bargain?


As the Covid-19 crisis grabs headlines in most of the United States, it is important to appreciate that for a good part of the U.S. oil patch, COVID-19 is second page news.  First page news is the collapse of worldwide oil prices.  The price of West Texas Intermediate Crude closed this week at $22.76 per barrel.  This is nothing short of a disaster for the U.S. petroleum industry and for a significant portion of the U.S. workforce that depends on its health. There are many reasons for the oil price collapse.  The petroleum market is nothing if not complex.  This [...]

Time for a Grand Bargain?2020-04-10T20:25:43-04:00

Member Update Presentations to Headline NAATBatt 2020


NAATBatt 2020 will be held on February 10-13, 2020, in Pasadena, California.  It will be the 11th annual meeting of the NAATBatt International organization, which dates from 2008.  For all of those years I have struggled with the question of why NAATBatt should have an annual meeting at all? Trade shows are a big business.  You can go to a battery, electric drive or energy storage-focused trade show somewhere in the world just about every week if you want to.  Sophisticated media companies run most of those shows.  They run them well and make a lot of money by doing [...]

Member Update Presentations to Headline NAATBatt 20202020-02-01T04:36:57-05:00

Interest in Workshop on Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Exceeds Expectations


This past week in Buffalo, New York, NAATBatt hosted a Workshop on Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling.  The purpose of the workshop was to focus industry attention on the next great challenge in vehicle electrification:  safely, responsibly and profitably disposing of lithium-ion batteries at the end of their useful lives. Today lithium-ion batteries reaching the end of their useful lives are not being recycled in any significant quantities in North America.  The cost of transporting those used batteries to recycling facilities, and of recycling facilities processing those batteries, exceeds in almost all cases the profit that any recycler can expect to make from [...]

Interest in Workshop on Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Exceeds Expectations2019-07-13T01:41:13-04:00
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