Yearly Archives: 2020

Member Update Presentations to Headline NAATBatt 2020


NAATBatt 2020 will be held on February 10-13, 2020, in Pasadena, California.  It will be the 11th annual meeting of the NAATBatt International organization, which dates from 2008.  For all of those years I have struggled with the question of why NAATBatt should have an annual meeting at all? Trade shows are a big business.  You can go to a battery, electric drive or energy storage-focused trade show somewhere in the world just about every week if you want to.  Sophisticated media companies run most of those shows.  They run them well and make a lot of money by doing [...]

Member Update Presentations to Headline NAATBatt 20202020-02-01T04:36:57-05:00

The Fourth Decade of the Advanced Battery Era


Every New Year invites predictions about what the next year holds. One in every ten New Years invites predictions about the next decade. 2020 is one of those New Years. The 2020’s will mark the fourth decade of the advanced battery era, taking as its start the introduction of the first lithium-ion battery into commerce in 1991. The third decade ended on a high note, with the Nobel Committee finally recognizing the important role of Stan Whittingham, John Goodenough and Akira Yoshino in launching the era. The delayed recognition was fitting. It took the world a good three decades to [...]

The Fourth Decade of the Advanced Battery Era2020-01-04T05:26:08-05:00
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