
About Jim Greenberger

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So far Jim Greenberger has created 53 blog entries.

Remarks of Jim Greenberger, Executive Director of NAATBatt, to the Korea-U.S. Advanced Industry & Clean Energy Partnership Meeting, April 25, 2023


Good afternoon, Minister Lee, dear colleagues and new friends.  My name is Jim Greenberger and I am the Executive Director of NAATBatt International.  NAATBatt is an association of more than 300 companies and research institutions working to support the development, commercialization and manufacture of advanced battery technology in the North American market. I am pleased to report that earlier this morning NAATBatt entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with three distinguished organizations from the Republic of Korea:  the Korea Battery Industry Association, the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology and the Korea Electronics Technology Institute. Under the Memorandum, all four organizations [...]

Remarks of Jim Greenberger, Executive Director of NAATBatt, to the Korea-U.S. Advanced Industry & Clean Energy Partnership Meeting, April 25, 20232023-04-29T13:52:39-04:00

Li-Bridge and the Age of Electricity


Good morning and good afternoon to those of you around the world who are joining this program. Thank you to the U.S. Department of Energy and the Federal Consortium for Advanced Batteries for giving me the opportunity to speak with you today. The purpose of my talk is to introduce you to the Li-Bridge initiative. The Li-Bridge initiative is a public-private effort to develop a strategy for the United States to build a robust and sustainable lithium-ion battery industry and supply chain in North America. NAATBatt International, which I lead, together with our partner convening organizations, NY-BEST and New Energy Nexus, [...]

Li-Bridge and the Age of Electricity2023-01-14T11:22:16-05:00

Member Update Presentations Announced


NAATBatt 2022, the 13th annual meeting and conference of the NAATBatt International organization, will be held on February 7-10, 2022.  Notwithstanding Covid, registration numbers for the meeting are well in excess of what NAATBatt has seen for any past program.  The NAATBatt hotel block is already sold out and we are having to give serious consideration to closing registration for the entire program due to size limitations of the venue.  Just a few years ago, this situation would have seemed fanciful.  Watch out what you wish for. This week NAATBatt announced the scheduling of 109 Member Update Presentation talks during the [...]

Member Update Presentations Announced2022-01-21T22:33:51-05:00

Looking Ahead to NAATBatt 2022


As NAATBatt members know, NAATBatt 2022, the thirteenth annual meeting and conference of the NAATBatt International organization, will be held at the Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park (Phoenix), Arizona on February 7-10, 2022.  Details about the program can be seen here. The program of the meeting continues to develop.  Monday will be the golf and tennis tournaments and tournament dinner.  Tuesday will see meetings of the Battery Recycling Committee, the Manufacturing in North America Committee, the Second Life Battery Committee and the Zinc Battery Committee.  The program in chief will start on Tuesday with annual reports about the state of the [...]

Looking Ahead to NAATBatt 20222021-12-24T23:06:04-05:00

NAATBatt Publishes Database of the North American Lithium-Ion Supply Chain


On September 15, 2021, NAATBatt International released its database of companies active in the North American lithium-ion battery supply chain.  The database is the culmination of several months work by three NAATBatt committees—the Manufacturing in North America Committee, the Battery Recycling Committee and the Battery Markets Committee—and extensive work by a team at NREL working under contract with NAATBatt. The database can be seen at: https://www.nrel.gov/transportation/li-ion-battery-supply-chain-database.html. The database is the first attempt ever to identify every company in North America working in every aspect of the lithium-ion battery supply chain.  Assembling the database required identifying exactly what the critical sectors [...]

NAATBatt Publishes Database of the North American Lithium-Ion Supply Chain2021-09-17T16:05:26-04:00

Get Ready to See the Database


One of NAATBatt’s most significant accomplishments in 2021 will be the publication of the North American Lithium-Ion Battery Supply Chain Database.  The Database will provide a directory of all companies in North America that participate in any significant element of the lithium-ion battery supply chain and have a manufacturing facility or employ more than 10 people in North America.  A team at NREL led by Dr. Ahmad Pesaran is currently in the process of finalizing the Database. The first opportunity for members of NAATBatt to see the Database will be during the meeting of the Manufacturing in North America Committee at [...]

Get Ready to See the Database2021-08-27T11:24:02-04:00

The Importance of Consumer Incentives for Electric Vehicles


On August 5, 2021, the White House announced that President Biden will sign an Executive Order that sets an ambitious new target to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles.  President Biden was joined in the announcement by executives from General Motors, Ford and Stellantis, which have separately announced that 40%-50% of their vehicle sales will be electric by the end of this decade. The elephant in the room, of course, is how do you make that happen?  The even bigger elephant is how do you [...]

The Importance of Consumer Incentives for Electric Vehicles2021-08-06T12:43:55-04:00

NAATBatt Statement on the White House’s 100-Day Supply Chain Review for Large Capacity Batteries


NAATBatt International applauds the release of the White House's 100-Day Review under Executive Order 14017 of the domestic supply chain for large capacity batteries (see: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/100-day-supply-chain-review-report.pdf).   The Review’s recommendations for building domestic demand for large capacity batteries, investing in the extraction and refining of energy materials, supporting private investment in cell and cell component manufacturing, encouraging battery recycling and doubling-down on next generation battery R&D are spot on.  If the federal government follows through on those recommendations with consistent, bipartisan action, U.S. companies and U.S. workers will be able to compete, and perhaps one day to lead the world, in [...]

NAATBatt Statement on the White House’s 100-Day Supply Chain Review for Large Capacity Batteries2021-06-09T09:22:15-04:00

The Challenge of Building a Lithium Battery Supply Chain in North America


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for the invitation to speak this morning to the Hamilton Commission.  My name is Jim Greenberger and I am the Executive Director and founder of NAATBatt International, the trade association of developers, manufacturers and users of advanced battery technology in North America.  Since 2008, NAATBatt’s mission has been to promote the use and manufacture of advanced batteries in the United States and the growth of the good American jobs that manufacturing will create.  Today, NAATBatt has 164 corporate and institutional members representing all elements of the advanced battery supply chain in North America. [...]

The Challenge of Building a Lithium Battery Supply Chain in North America2021-05-28T17:45:51-04:00

Why Batteries are Important to America


Good afternoon.  My name is Jim Greenberger and I am the Executive Director and founder of NAATBatt International, the trade association for developers, manufacturers and users of advanced battery technology in North America.  Since 2008, NAATBatt’s mission has been to promote the manufacture of advanced batteries in the United States and the growth of the good American jobs that manufacturing will create.  Today, NAATBatt has 162 corporate and institutional members representing all elements of the advanced battery supply chain. I want to use my opening remarks to emphasize why battery technology is important to the United States.  In truth, it is [...]

Why Batteries are Important to America2021-05-07T10:37:01-04:00
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